Any of the booking methods we offer are quick and easy! In most cases you can complete your repair booking in a minute or less!
We handle each device as if it were our own! You can count on us for high quality results when it comes to your device repair.
Don't just take our word for it, there are hundreds of reviews across the internet.
We can repair your broken device, even if you are unsure of what's wrong! Our trained technicians can conduct a free diagnosis!
Bring your device to our store, request curbside service, or use our nationwide mail order repair service!
Whichever option you choose, most repairs can be done in 30-60 minutes! Mail-in repairs will be processed the same day as received!
They did a great job with my phone. It was almost destroyed and they brought it back to life. I’m so grateful for the great customer service and how fast it was fixed. I definitely recommend them to anyone. I brought back 2 iPads which were in extremely rough condition. He got me fixed up good as new!